
Project Profile

Project Title:
Building Planters with Form and Function
Imagineaction Social Action Projects
School Name:
Claude E. Garton
School board / First Nations school jurisdiction:
Lakehead District School Board
Project Theme:
  • Engage [active & participatory citizenship]
  • Thrive [health & wellness]
  • Lead [leadership]
  • Live [environmental sustainability]
Grade Level:
Subject Areas:
Thunder Bay
Community Partners:
We are partnering with Ecosuperior Thunder Bay for the Depave Paradise project.
William Vander Ploeg

Building Planters with Form and Function

As a culminating task for the Grade 7 unit about Form and Function, we will design and build wooden planters for the school garden. The planters will be approximately 50comx50cmx75cm and will grow plants that students will start in the school hydroponic system. We will plant vegetables, herbs and flowers for pollinators. This will be part of our Depave Paradise project, with the planters going in the new garden and in the existing garden.

Update (May 10, 2019)

Our students have completed their designs and reports. We got some free untreated wood from a local lumber yard, Garden Lake Timber, because the owner was a past parent at our school! So exciting! Next week, students will be measuring and hand sawing the wood to the appropriate sizes! We picked the sites for the planters and a final design that works for the materials we have, regardless of our individual plans. We plan to use the funds from this grant to get good quality soil and some edible plants for our planters. We are focussing on hardy, yet beautiful species like pansies, nasturtiums, begonias and a variety of vegetables. We are grateful to local businesses and families for supporting us with expertise and materials.