
Profil du projet

Titre du projet :
Circle of Champions: Canadian Human Rights Defenders
Initiative :
Parler vrai au pouvoir Canada, À la défense des droits de la personne
Nom de l’école :
Lougheed Middle School
Conseil scolaire / Administration scolaire des premières nations :
Peel District School Board
Thèmes du projet :
  • Se lier [relations]
Années d’études :
Matières :
Anglais, Sciences humaines et sociales
Ville :
Province / territoire :
Partenaires communautaires :
Local and Historical Defenders.

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Circle of Champions: Canadian Human Rights Defenders

Students will select a person or organization from a list I have compiled of Human Rights Activists in Canada whom are living. The students will select a photo to represent the individual, develop a bio for their selected person, or organization, (when it was formed, its purpose etc), and highlight why the group or individual is considered a champion of human rights by connecting their cause to the Charter of Human Rights. Finally, when possible, students will conduct an interview with the individual - by webcast, phone, or face to face if possible. If none of these avenues are possible, via email, posing questions and awaiting the response.
using bookemon, ( students will compile an e-book version of their work - compiled as one class project. Also through bookemon a published hard copy of the book could be printed - one for the school library and one for Imagineaction.

Mise à jour (15 octobre 2012)

The Circle of Champions project was very successful. Students had the opportunity to research and create PowerPoints of Canadian NGO's and see how they make a difference as we studies economic systems in Grade 8 Geography.

The students went on to study the Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as the UNICEF Rights of a Child. We then had the opportunity to learn about a range of NGO and community service agencies in the GTA that we consider Champions of Human Rights.

The students through an appreciation Tea for the organizations that we Identified as Champions of Human Rights. They also had the opportunity to interview representatives from these organizations. These interviews were videotaped.

The next task was a media task. The students created short movies that highlights the work of the organization they interviewed. It was a great way to showcase the work of the various agencies, and consolidate student understanding with regards to Human Rights. The students had to tie what the agencies do, to specific Human Rights in their videos, thus expressing why these agencies are Champions of Human Rights.

The organizations involved in the Circle of Champion's Tea were:

Girl’s Action Network (Skype)
Stephen Lewis Foundation
Free the Children
Kerry’s Place
Red Cross
Jump Start
Canadian Tire
Pink Day
Save the Children
India Rainbow
Newcomers Centre of Peel
Peel Children’s Aid
COPA (Safe at School)
United Achievers
Plan Canada
Right to Play
Brampton Multicultural Centre
Our Place Peel
Pink Day
Brampton Caledon Community Living
Salvation Army
World Vision