
Project Profile

Project Title:
Sharing Our Cultures
School Name:
Holy Heart of Mary High School
School board / First Nations school jurisdiction:
Eastern School District
Project Theme:
Grade Level:
Subject Areas:
St. John's
Newfoundland and Labrador
Community Partners:
Association for New Canadians - SWIS (Settlement Workers In Schools)

Sharing Our Cultures

The students active in the International Club want to share with the entire school information about the many cultures that exist in your school. We want to purchase a professional and reusable display board to create displays throughout the school year to share information about holidays/celebrations/cultural events/traditions of other cultures within our school. For example, we would create a display about the Chinese New Year, traditions and activities, information about China.

Update (October 30, 2012)

With additional fundraising by the International Club, we were able to purchase both a reusable display board and a professional display banner.