
Profil du projet

Titre du projet :
Elmwood High School Youth Action Conference Addressing Bullying and Homophobia
Initiative :
Nom de l’école :
Elmwood High School
Conseil scolaire / Administration scolaire des premières nations :
Winnipeg School Division
Thèmes du projet :
Années d’études :
Matières :
Ville :
Province / territoire :
Partenaires communautaires :
Executive Director of the Rainbow Resource Centre,
Winnipeg Police Services
Drama Outreach Coordinator, Manitoba Theater for Young People

Elmwood High School Youth Action Conference Addressing Bullying and Homophobia

In the first semester of 2011, groups of students will engage in lessons, talking circles and discussion activities to learn more about the issues of bullying and homophobia.

On December 1st, we will organize a culminating whole school action conference "Addressing Bullying and Homophobia" to allow students the opportunity to connect with community organizations and engage in action projects. Our conference will raise awareness around the many forms of bullying (verbal, physical, social and cyber) and address the consequences of various behaviours for both individuals and communities as a whole. For the morning of our conference, our committee would like to invite a keynote speaker and develop awareness workshops. For the afternoon, students will engage in service action projects, such as:

•Storytelling, writers workshop and Video
•Graffiti Art & Mural Works
•Arial view visual -- students gather in the field wearing same colour t-shirts and organize into letters to form the word STOP
•Forum/community theater
•Banners and visual note card displays
•T-shirt making crew

Mise à jour (30 novembre 2011)

We are very excited for our December 1st event. Students will have the opportunity to work with a number of different professionals who are dedicated to the process of community building. Our event kicks off with a keynote from Brad Tyler West who is both a champion debater and professionally trained actor. Brad is currently working as a Senior Human Resource Consultant, activist and master presenter whose areas of practice include:

Ø Leadership coaching and development
Ø Whole life coaching
Ø Leveraging Diversity & Inclusion Specialist
Ø Employee engagement & multi-generational workforce
Ø Respectful Workplaces /Legislative compliance (LGBTTQ)

For the remainder of the day, students will work with the Manitoba Legal Educating and Action Fund, Manitoba Theatre for Young People, The Rainbow Resource Center and The University of Winnipeg Peacebuilding Project to address issues of identity and equality in our community. We are very excited about the day and the opportunity to see students engaged in social change.

Mise à jour (28 mai 2012)

Our December 1st Conference was a great success. Students were involved in many great workshops geared towards community action. Students were able to dialogue with peers to examine community issues and possible solutions. As part of their action projects, students created forum theatre presentations and art pieces that express solidarity for those who may experience bullying or homophobia. Students had many great opportunities to explore how society can support diverse identities and foster equality for all.