
Profil du projet

Titre du projet :
Native Culture Day
Initiative :
Projets d'action sociale Imagineaction
Nom de l’école :
Howard S. Billings
Conseil scolaire / Administration scolaire des premières nations :
New Frontiers School Board
Thèmes du projet :
  • Se lier [relations]
  • S’engager [citoyenneté active et participative]
  • Se développer [santé et bienêtre]
  • Diriger [leadership]
Années d’études :
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Matières :
Études autochtones
Ville :
Province / territoire :
Partenaires communautaires :
Kahnawake elders and community members. We as the school organize it and invite community memebers from Kahnawake to participate and run booths/activities.

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Native Culture Day

Our school will be holding a Native Culture Day. On this day, we have many representatives from the native community and students show off various aspects of their culture for others to discover. We also invite neighboring elementary schools to participate in the day. From Lacrosse to art to strawberry juice tasting to dance and singing to dream catchers and more.

Mise à jour (9 avril 2018)

Aboriginal Culture Day at Howard S. Billings was a huge success! We had over 400 students participate. Students moved as a group between 7 kiosks. At each kiosk they were able to discover a different aspect of Native Culture. Students learned about social justice, art, beading, dream catchers, lacrosse, dancing, traditional singing and were even treated to Indian Tacos and Strawberry juice. It was a massive success!

This year will be a first that we are bringing the whole Native Culture Kiosk Day to another high school. Our sister high school is in Ormstown, Quebec. As Ormstown is a fairly homogeneous town, we are very excited for these students to be exposed to Native Culture.

Can't wait to see what happens in Ormstown! More to come!