
Project Profile

Project Title:
Gardening good for your heart and soul
Imagineaction Social Action Projects
School Name:
Heroes' Memorial
School board / First Nations school jurisdiction:
Eastern Townships School Board
Project Theme:
  • Connect [relationships]
  • Engage [active & participatory citizenship]
  • Thrive [health & wellness]
  • Lead [leadership]
  • Live [environmental sustainability]
Grade Level:
3, 4
Subject Areas:
The Arts, English, Health and Physical Education, Science
Community Partners:
Many volunteers contributed last year and we will be asking for more volunteers to help out during the summer months. We also went out in 2016 and went into the community and asked over 22 organizations for donations.

A bee presentation will be hosted in April at our school.

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Gardening good for your heart and soul

The gardening project provides all three types of exercise endurance, flexibility, and strength and most importantly it provides a healthy living.

My class will be directly involved in the gardening project. By having the kids involved, they will have moderate cardiovascular exercise weekly. Gardening 30 minutes can burn up to 300 calories per day. This isn't just standing there. The students must water the flowers, weed, dig, hoe, rake and plant the vegetable gardens and take care of the flowerbeds that are on premises.

This project is so important because it gets the kids moving. Gardening can help the children connect to earth. It reduces stress for many students who suffer from anxiety. It improves flexibility, balance and sensory perception and cultivates a healthier heart.

This year, we have a special presenter, who will be presenting the topic of bees in early spring. Our lives and the world as a whole would be a much different place if bees didn’t exist. This is why we would like to illustrate this fact to the students that bees are very important for our daily needs and especially for our gardens.

Update (May 8, 2017)

For the past few months, our class has put their hearts and souls into the garden club. Our classroom has been transformed into a green house. They have planted peppers, tomatoes, beans, eggplant, broccoli and flowers. In the next few weeks when the weather is warmer, we will be transplanting everything we have created in the outside gardens and planting new seeds along with new plants. We have also been busy raking and getting the gardens ready. During this time, we are participating in Cubes Energie Le Grand Defi. Physical activity is not just about sports, it can also be about gardening and transferring that positive and negative energy into the gardens. Gardening relaxes the soul and creates a healthier mind and soul. We have also had a bee presenter that came to our class and demonstrated why bees are so important to our environment.

Update (May 10, 2017)

There was much movement within our school today. Three classes got together and planted 100 trees on the school property. Also, each student and teacher received a tree for their home. This is over 200 trees distributed.

Update (May 29, 2017)

This week is going to be a rainy week, however we are going to continue during the month of June to maintain the gardens while getting physically fit. Our class will be participating in a two day event held by our town. The event is simple. All we must do as a class, is garden, while burning off energy from 1:05 to 2:35 from June 1st to June 2nd. It will be fun! The kids will weed, pick up garbage, rake the lawns, maintain the vegetable beds and so on. This is a great way to get our exercise. Thank you for this grant, we were able to do this.