
Profil du projet

Titre du projet :
PACE Urban Skate Art Project
Initiative :
Projets d'action sociale Imagineaction
Nom de l’école :
P.A.C.E. Peterborough Alternative and Continuing Education
Conseil scolaire / Administration scolaire des premières nations :
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Thèmes du projet :
  • Se lier [relations]
  • S’engager [citoyenneté active et participative]
  • Se développer [santé et bienêtre]
  • Diriger [leadership]
  • Compatir [pauvreté]
Années d’études :
10, 11, 12
Matières :
Éducation artistique
Ville :
Province / territoire :
Partenaires communautaires :
YES Shelter for Youth and Families
196 Brock St.
Peterborough, ON K9H 2P4
[email protected]
Director: Sue Galloway

Josh Johnston
Thin City Skateshop
705 775-5664 shop
705 760-6500 cell

PACE Urban Skate Art Project

Ten students attending our inner city school and homeless shelter will each design and paint their own longboard or skateboard deck. This project is aimed at a marginalized population to engage and foster a commitment to coming to school. Students who already attend art class will be invited to participate.

Mise à jour (30 janvier 2017)

We started building eight boards in November. Here is an update on how we are doing...
Some of our students have moved on to other housing situations. Some have really focussed in on this project and two are almost done!