
Profil du projet

Titre du projet :
Power To Change
Initiative :
Projets d'action sociale Imagineaction
Nom de l’école :
Our Lady of Fatima
Conseil scolaire / Administration scolaire des premières nations :
Toronto Catholic District School Board
Thèmes du projet :
  • S’engager [citoyenneté active et participative]
  • Diriger [leadership]
  • Vivre [durabilité de l’environment]
  • Compatir [pauvreté]
Années d’études :
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Matières :
Sciences humaines et sociales
Ville :
Province / territoire :
Partenaires communautaires :
This project will be run in conjunction with the "Go Local" club at Our Lady of Fatima School; which has about 25 student members and the teacher leaders are: Mrs Tara Bennett, Mrs Alysaa D'Angelo and Mrs Katya Gauci.

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Power To Change

Students will learn the importance of avoiding waste: water, electricity and paper and they will use their awareness to curtail unnecessary and wasteful uses of the above at school and eventually at home. They will be awakened to the realization of how wastefulness works to the detriment of our natural environment and of poorer societies.

Mise à jour (28 juin 2017)

This school year, at Our Lady of Fatima, we launched the Power to Change Initiative which aimed at encouraging the school community to become good stewards of the Earth by avoiding wasting electricity and water as well as avoid creating waste that causes pollution. During the month of October, we ran a full-blown campaign reminding students through our monthly bulletin and daily announcements on the PA about switching off lights, turning off taps and keeping rooms clean. The month culminated with a school wide Waste-free lunch competition and we kept the momentum going with daily updates on the PA by my Grade 5 students on the leading classes in each division. Thanks to the sponsorship ImagineAction, we were able to offer pizza lunches to each winning class in the Primary, Junior and Intermediate divisions. In December, we ran a Poster competition on the importance of the 3R's: Reduce, Reuse & Recycle and we offered movie passes to the winners as well as treats for class participation. In December, to bring awareness of the fact that in other parts of the world, there are communities that still live in the dark after the sun goes down, we ran the "Let us bring light" to the community of Tsinga-Efandi in Cameroon. We printed Christmas cards and sold them to the school community. We raised $1200. In May and June, we ran a second campaign selling popcorn and Freezies and we raised $1200 more to help bring electricity to Tsinga-Efandi.