
Profil du projet

Titre du projet :
Social Action Project
Initiative :
Nom de l’école :
Robert Thirsk
Conseil scolaire / Administration scolaire des premières nations :
Calgary Board of Education
Thèmes du projet :
Années d’études :
Matières :
Ville :
Province / territoire :
Partenaires communautaires :
We work with several community organizations to help this event take place. Students reach out themselves making the connections with NGO's and Charity groups. Some organizations we have partnered with in the past are: Calgary Drop In Centre; Mustard Seed; Calgary Food Bank; Immigration Society of Calgary; Childrens' Cottage and the Calgary Humane Society. These are only but a few of the groups who have benefited from our students time and energy.

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Social Action Project

All grade ten students engage in participatory social action groupings through the spring and into the end of the school year. Global issues and societal impacts are investigated and local organizations brought in to hold a "Social Action Panel" to hook our students on making the change. A documentary film project blends English Language Arts with Social Studies as students’ research and edit short films highlighting social issues. They then take the cause further by volunteering and steering support for local organizations and community groups giving up their time and energy to help combat social inequality and injustices. We bring our partners together with the students for an evening gala and presentation where the students showcase their efforts and share in a celebration. We have held this even for the past three years and require some additional funding in order to keep it going.

Mise à jour (28 juin 2016)

We have had an amazing time offering this project again this year. Our students truly rocked it. Over $10,000 raised, over 1000 volunteer hours given, not to mentions the clothes, personal items and sports equipment others collected for donation. Youth are the solution, not the problem and this project proved how true that is.