
Project Profile

Project Title:
Butterfly Haven
Imagineaction Social Action Projects
School Name:
Greely Elementary School
School board / First Nations school jurisdiction:
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board
Project Theme:
  • Connect [relationships]
  • Engage [active & participatory citizenship]
  • Lead [leadership]
  • Live [environmental sustainability]
Grade Level:
Subject Areas:
English, Science
Community Partners:
I am currently in the process of connecting with a local Worm Ranch: Capital Worm Ranch, 24 Redwin St., Ottawa, ON K2G0K1 613-695-4168.
Cast-A Way Vermicomposting in Greely, Ontario. 613-821-1260.

Butterfly Haven

This will be an enriching and authentic experience for kindergarten students to use inquiry based learning to examine the life cycle of Monarch Butterflies. Students will research and learn about the life cycle and release butterflies that they grow into the school/community butterfly garden currently being designed and built by the entire school for all to access. The butterflies will be released at a whole-school assembly. This project will also involve learning about composting and how it lends to sustaining the soil and butterflies in the garden. The project will be sustainable to our school and community allowing for a building of relationships and a common sharing of love and care for our environment.

Update (June 7, 2016)

Our Kindergarten students has successfully transferred the larva into the special cups provided. Inside each cup is the necessary food for the larva to eat in order to grow. Soon we will observe the larva spinning into a cocoon (chrysallis). We are very excited to watch the little larva grow larger and follow their life cycle. Our students have been completing our Butterfly bulletin board tracking the days and creating life cycle art.

Update (June 7, 2016)

Our larva have grown into caterpillars and a few have started spinning into cocoons (chrysallis). We will transfer them into the butterfly holder where they will stay and continue to develop until they are ready to emerge as butterflies. Stay tuned!

Update (June 7, 2016)

Transferring the larva to the cups was a slow and steady process.

Update (June 7, 2016)

Our butterflies have begun to emerge from their chrysallis'

Update (June 7, 2016)

Our students really enjoyed transferring the larva to the special cups. We used a small paint brush to help so that we did not cause any harm to the larva.

Update (June 7, 2016)

Our caterpillars seem to be doubling in size each day!

Update (June 21, 2016)

Our butterflies came out of their coccoons and we all witnessed the release of our butterflies in our 'Parkette' at school. We watched as they flew out of their temporary home and into the environment. Many landed on plants and leaves while one decided to land on the teacher's arm! We are eagerly feeding our Wiggler worms and examining their castings each day. We are excited to place their castings in our garden outside to help fertilize the soil!