
Profil du projet

Titre du projet :
Student Breakfast Project
Initiative :
Nom de l’école :
Conseil scolaire / Administration scolaire des premières nations :
Eastern Townships School Board
Thèmes du projet :
Années d’études :
Matières :
Ville :
Province / territoire :
Partenaires communautaires :
We are currently working on a partnership with many local stores in our area, stores such as Loblaws Cowansville, IGA, and Super C.

Student Breakfast Project

The grade 11 students of Massey Vanier have helped to identify needs within our school as part of a community service project in ethics. Together we have checked the statistics of our community which is currently has a high unemployment rate that has lead to a higher poverty rate. Many of our students come to school without having eaten a good breakfast. So as the current home economics teacher I have agreed to let the students run a breakfast program out of the home ec. kitchen. We are hoping to serve oatmeal, toast, yogurt and fresh fruit . Any funding would go to help buy supplies to start this program. Supplies such as toasters, microwaves and of course food. The goal is to make this program free and available everyday for our students. However, any donations would be accepted. We are hoping that is program will continue for years to come.

Mise à jour (10 janvier 2011)

Hello, just a quick update regarding the breakfast program that is being funded thanks to your generous donation. The program is up and running and in our first week we served approximately 25% of our schools population. We are currently serving toast, with a variety of toppings, fresh fruits, yogurt, juice and hot chocolate. We have decided to mix things up once a week. Every Friday we will be serving something different along with the regular menu. We have chosen to serve pancakes, fresh muffins, bagels and English muffins as a treat. The students running the program are very excited and have already learned the true value of a dollar, budgeting and shopping around for specials. This program has been very beneficial to our school so far.
