
Profil du projet

Titre du projet :
Lead by action
Initiative :
Nom de l’école :
Main River Academy
Conseil scolaire / Administration scolaire des premières nations :
Western School District
Thèmes du projet :
Années d’études :
Matières :
Ville :
Pollard's Point
Province / territoire :
Partenaires communautaires :
Allied Youth Nl , chair Cara Eustace
White BAy Post 1144, president Nicole Nicholas
Anglican Parish of White Bay Rev Marlene Leggo
Main River Seniors Home owner Dale Gillingham

Lead by action

To have 8 students receive leadership training and collaborate with students from across the province as part of a Provincial Allied Youth initiative. To encourage a member of our school to run for the Provincial executive of Allied Youth NL and for all students attending to engage in the democratic process of electing student representative to the 2012-2013 provincial executive. In addition skills gained will help with projects to be completed at the local level including a food drive for the local church, Seniors home visits, student lead education sessions on smoking, diversity and study skills and to plan monthly activities for 7-12 students. The local leadership and community engagement will be enhanced by the training received through attendance at the Provincial Leadership conference to be held in April, 2013

Mise à jour (20 mars 2013)

The Allied Youth ( AY) group at Main River Academy in Pollard's Point, NL have been active and now have 20 registered youth out of a total of 54 eligible youth in our school. We have participated in a number of community service activities. In December and again in February we conducted two community food drives to provide food for the local church run food bank. We volunteered at the school to clean out the flower gardens and planted bulbs. We look forward to seeing them bloom in the spring. For AY Week 2013 we organized activities to encourage students to stand up against bullying and other violence. We read anti-bullying messages over the PA each morning for the week and organized a pink shirt day. We have 9 students registered to attend the 50th Allied Youth Provincial Leadership Conference to be held in the capital city, St. John's from April 4-11, 2013. One of our students has decided to run as a junior director on the Provincial executive. We are all excited to attend the conference and have been busy find raising to make the event available to all youth who wanted to attend.