
Profil du projet

Titre du projet :
Sustainable Ecosystems and Communities Expedition
Initiative :
Nom de l’école :
Woodroffe Hs
Conseil scolaire / Administration scolaire des premières nations :
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board
Thèmes du projet :
Années d’études :
Matières :
Ville :
Province / territoire :
Partenaires communautaires :
None, it is a school trip.

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Sustainable Ecosystems and Communities Expedition

Project "Sustainable Ecosystems and Communities" consists of taking a small group of eco-motivated students on an inspirational and “life changing” eco-educational/volunteer trip to Costa Rica (March 2011). This unique trip is designed to immerse students in the rainforest, allowing them to witness first-hand sustainable ecosystems and communities (agriculture, fair trade, infrastructure, waste and energy, conservation and eco-tourism)

This trip is the first of its kind in Canada as we are us

Mise à jour (28 juin 2011)

The project was a great success! The students learned a huge amount in Costa Rica about sustainability and we able to share with grade 6 students during an educational workshop. Students also built 2 modified herb gardens for a local community garden (Michelle Heights housing project).