
Profil du projet

Titre du projet :
My Voice our Rights
Initiative :
Ma Voix - Nos Droits
Nom de l’école :
Dr. FJ McDonald Catholic School
Conseil scolaire / Administration scolaire des premières nations :
Ottawa Catholic School Board
Thèmes du projet :
  • Se lier [relations]
  • S’engager [citoyenneté active et participative]
Années d’études :
Matières :
Éducation artistique
Ville :
Province / territoire :
Partenaires communautaires :

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My Voice our Rights

Students will write (music and lyrics) and perform a song about human rights. After reading several books as a class and watching videos in order to develop an understanding of human rights, the Kindergarten children will brainstorm a list of keywords that demonstrate their understanding. They will then use their knowledge of musical rhythmic notation and of solfege and Curwen hand signs (taught throughout the year) to write the melody of an original song. The students will then use their list of keywords and ideas to create lyrics to fit their music, and finally rehearse and perform the song.