
Profil du projet

Titre du projet :
Composting for a Greener Future!
Initiative :
Projets d'action sociale Imagineaction
Nom de l’école :
Drummondville Elementary School
Conseil scolaire / Administration scolaire des premières nations :
Eastern Townships School Board
Thèmes du projet :
  • Vivre [durabilité de l’environment]
Années d’études :
M, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Matières :
Anglais, Français langue seconde, Éducation physique et santé
Ville :
Province / territoire :
Partenaires communautaires :
We do not have a community partner organization. We plan on involving the school community in our project. The students who are part of the project would first present the project to all of the classes and explain what and how to compost. Later, they would have a booth during portfolio night to explain to community members how important and easy it is to compost and what can be composted. The booth on portfolio night will be informative and student generated.

Composting for a Greener Future!

Students in our school would like to start composting at school. We have a healthy snack policy and this results in many students bringing in and eating fruit or vegetables for snack. Currently, the vegetable and fruit remains go into the garbage, as we currently do not compost at our school. A student driven committee that has been created to plan and implement green activities at our school would initiate the compost project. The students are eager to help educate our school population and community about composting and they will collect the compost from the classes and deposit it in the compost bin.

Mise à jour (1 mai 2014)

Some students organized a booth to explain how to compost and why they wanted to compost at school. They conducted research and then they created a display for their booth at Portfolio night at the end of March.

Mise à jour (23 juin 2014)

On May 30th, a few students and their parent or adult friend stayed late at school to build our compost bin. The students and the adults worked really hard together to finish building the compost bin. We worked in the sun, in the rain and even in a hail storm! For most of the students, it was a first experience working with tools and building something. They were very proud of themselves and I have no doubt that these students will make sure that the compost bin is taken care of.

Mise à jour (25 juin 2014)

Below is a picture of our compost bin. During the first week of June, some EVB students went to every class of the school to do their presentation on what to compost, how and why. From then until the end of the school year, the students have been picking up the compost in every class at lunch.