
Project Profile

Project Title:
Community Connections
Imagineaction Social Action Projects
School Name:
Schreiber Public School
School board / First Nations school jurisdiction:
Superior-Greenstone District School Board
Project Theme:
  • Connect [relationships]
  • Engage [active & participatory citizenship]
Grade Level:
2, 3, 4, 5
Subject Areas:
English, Health and Physical Education
Community Partners:
McCausland Hospital
Collingwood Court Seniors Residence
Schreiber Public Library
Schreiber Seniors Club

Community Connections

We would like to make connections with the Seniors and service organizations in our community. (Schreiber and Terrace Bay) Our class would like to plan activities that involve interacting with the seniors and learn more about our community history. We hope to visit the residents of our long term care facility and share with them our learning through presentations and learn more about their personal history.

Update (June 4, 2013)

In April our class invited 2 people from our community in to the class to share their knowledge of different crafts. All of the students learned how to quilt and we created a class quilt for our Roots of Empathy baby. As well we learned how to make some wooden necklaces and knit.

Visit from Mr. Bob Krause
Our class invited Mr. Bob Krause to come in to visit and share with us information about the history of Schreiber. Mr. Krause brought in old pictures from Schreiber to share with the class and told many stories about growing up in our community years ago. He also brought with him a Schreiber flag for our school. The students enjoyed hearing about what Schreiber Public School was like years ago and also about the different recreation and sports programs there were.

Community Connection Tea
We began our Community Connections project in February with a Tea. The students planned and prepared for the tea by choosing a menu, baking, setting up our library and inviting seniors from our community to attend. When the guests arrived we served coffee, tea and sweets and the students met with each of the seniors and interviewed them to determine if they would like to be part of our project. We had a great turn out with over 25 seniors attending and we immediately began to learn about the history of Schreiber.

Update (June 27, 2013)

In May we completed our Community Connection Project with a board games day. We invited seniors from our community to come for lunch and participated in a games day. We planned the luncheon and prepared sandwiches and deserts to be served. We wrote out the class rules for the different board games and then set up tables so that people could rotate through and try different games. We had an excellent turn out with approximately 20 seniors from our community attending.
We played checkers, scrabble, pictionary, uno and yahtzee.
We all really enjoyed planning this final activity and playing the games with the seniors from our community.