
Project Profile

Project Title:
Imagineaction Social Action Projects
School Name:
Frontenac School
School board / First Nations school jurisdiction:
Louis Riel School Division
Project Theme:
  • Engage [active & participatory citizenship]
  • Lead [leadership]
  • Live [environmental sustainability]
Grade Level:
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Subject Areas:
English, Science, Social Sciences and Humanities
Community Partners:
Frontenac PAC (parent advisory committee)
Frontenac YMCA daycare

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Our school would like to start a composting program. We were told that a school our size usually has 4-5 composting bins. Students would inform other classes about the program and how it works and classes would take turns throughout the year to bring composting to the bins daily.
Here are some partner organizations and contact names:
YMCA Contact is Michelle Frobisher – Ph# 204-255-5078
YMCA Manager is Shannon Solinski at 5 Fermor

PAC Contact is Stacey Bryden – Ph# 204-794-5635

Winakwa Nursery School Contact is Sylvia McKinney Ph# 204-223-5507

Update (June 7, 2019)

We bought wire composting bins. Grade 7/8 students set them up along the fence in our schoolyard. Grade 4 students designed the signs for the compost bins (add, don't add and browns). We had a representative from Winnipeg's "Green Action Centre" come to our school and give a presentation at a K-4 assembly, 5-8 assembly and a further presentation for those who wanted to become composting leaders in the school and find out a bit more detail about composting. We had composting pails donated by students and staff and we were able to buy a few composting pails. We bought composting aerators from Green Action Centre for turning/mixing the compost easily. Students were really excited to try them out. Composting is new for our school but we are going to continue it and make our world a better place. Thanks Imaginaction for the grant $ to get our composting program going!

Update (June 12, 2019)

Our composting program is up and running smoothly. Thank-you so much Imaginaction for the grant money to get us started!