
Project Profile

Project Title:
Sisler Breakfast Program
Imagineaction Social Action Projects
School Name:
Sisler High School
School board / First Nations school jurisdiction:
Winnipeg School Division
Project Theme:
  • Thrive [health & wellness]
  • Lead [leadership]
  • Care [poverty]
Grade Level:
9, 10, 11, 12
Subject Areas:
Health and Physical Education, Social Sciences and Humanities
Community Partners:
Canada Post and the Child Nutrition Council have generously donated funds to help run the project this year.

Sisler Breakfast Program

Having now run modestly for one school year, we recognize the need to expand our breakfast program at Sisler High School. In doing so, we have a number of objectives, existing and new. These objectives are grounded in the our philosophy that every students should have access to a high-quality breakfast that will help them to be energized and ready to learn in class. This practice of healthy eating prepares students for when they leave high school and shop for themselves. Reinforcing healthy lifestyles in school will send echoes as students graduate and leave the building.

Update (May 31, 2019)

One overwhelming success this year was that students observed the increase in menu items as a result of this grant. We were able to diversify our menu and focus less on items that required single-use plastics such as plastic spoons and granola bar wrappers. Our year-end survey reflected this with comments such as “there are more food available compared to last year,” “We have more options for food,” and “There are eggs now.”

Update (June 4, 2019)

Healthy eating doesn't happen in isolation. Healthy practices are reinforced by our communities - our colleagues and peers - and we are very excited to see how the Sisler Breakfast Program has developed positive attitudes around healthy eating. We were pleased to observe a community build around healthy eating and accessibility. It would be easy for something like this to feel like an awkward handout. Instead, students have been friendly and encouraging in the modeling and promotion of healthy eating. From our surveys, we observe that the culture around our breakfast program does not reinforce any stigmas regarding low-economic individuals who my lack access to healthy foods. One student noted that “somehow, the breakfast club seems livelier and more appreciated nowadays, and more prominent at Sisler. This draws more to Breakfast Club, and is just better and appreciated service.” Another said that “The people leading it are welcoming. They make you feel comfortable taking breakfast because they don’t judge.” One last student noticed our greater capacity and remarked “The group has grown over the past year and it’s amazing seeing how much it has grown.” The comments continued on and on and demonstrated students feeling safe and welcome when they came to take food. Establishing a culture of safety can be challenging, and we are extremely pleased that our student volunteers have made access to healthy food a safe, comforting, and joyful reality.