
Supporting Partners

  • Assembly of First Nations

    The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is the national representative organization of the First Nations in Canada. There are over 630 First Nation's communities in Canada. The AFN Secretariat, is designed to present the views of the various First Nations through their leaders in areas such as: Aboriginal and Treaty Rights, Economic Development, Education, Languages and Literacy, Health, Housing, Social Development, Justice, Taxation, Land Claims, Environment, and a whole array of issues that are of common concern which arise from time to time.
  • Canada without Poverty

    Canada Without Poverty is a federally incorporated, non-partisan, not-for-profit and charitable organization dedicated to the elimination of poverty in Canada (charity registration #13091 6638 RR001).
  • Canadian Nurses Association

    CNA is the national professional voice of registered nurses in Canada. A federation of 11 provincial and territorial nursing associations and colleges representing 139,893 registered nurses, CNA advances the practice and profession of nursing to improve health outcomes and strengthen Canada’s publicly funded, not-for-profit health system.
  • Coalition on Community Safety, Health and Well-Being

    The Coalition on Community Safety, Health and Well-Being is a coalition of national organizations not traditionally involved in community safety to promote the concept of crime prevention through social development. The coalition is supported formally by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the Canadian Association of Police Boards, and the Canadian Professional Police Association and informally by the Canadian Council on Social Development and Family Service Canada.
  • Democracy Education Network

    Democracy Education Network (DEN) is a registered charitable educational organization incorporated federally in September 1993 (Business Number 88604 4999 RR 0001).
    DEN is non-partisan and supported by donations from individual Canadians and foundations.
    The Democracy Education Network was set up to address the need for Canadians, and governments and corporations, to develop democratic skills, especially in the areas of problem-solving and decision-making; to create meaningful opportunities for citizens to participate in making the difficult choices any community faces and to learn the skills to participate effectively in decision-making processes.

    Democracy Education Network's civics education resource materials:
  • National Alliance for Children and Youth

    The National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY) brings diverse nonprofit organizations together in a collaborative network dedicated to enhancing the well-being of children and youth in Canada, by providing national leadership and knowledge dedicated to mobilizing and linking practice and research to policy development to support the changing and diverse needs of families on a pan-Canadian basis.
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police

    The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is the Canadian national police service and an agency of the Ministry of Public Safety Canada.

    The RCMP is unique in the world since it is a national, federal, provincial and municipal policing body. We provide a total federal policing service to all Canadians and policing services under contract to the three territories, eight provinces (except Ontario and Quebec), more than 190 municipalities, 184 Aboriginal communities and three international airports.
  • Canadian Association of Social Workers

    As a federation of nine provincial and one territorial social work organizations, the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) provides a national leadership role in strengthening and advancing the social work profession in Canada. CASW promotes social justice and well-being for all Canadian residents.
  • The Critical Thinking Consortium

    TC² is an internationally renowned, non-profit association of education professionals who are committed to promoting critical thinking from primary to post-secondary education through professional development, publications and research. Since its inception in 1993, TC² has worked with thousands of educators in North America, Europe and Asia. The TC² model of critical thinking embeds critical thinking into regional school curriculums to make it more accessible to teachers and their students in a broad range of educational contexts.
  • Democracy Watch

    Democracy Watch is a national non-profit, non-partisan organization, and Canada's leading citizen group advocating democratic reform, government accountability and corporate responsibility.
  • Victoria Foundation

    The Victoria Foundation is a public foundation established through an Act of the BC Legislature in 1936 and a registered Canadian charity.

    We bring together people who care about our community. Independent and volunteer-driven, the Victoria Foundation aims to strengthen the community through:

    Grantmaking: insightful and effective distributions to improve the quality of life in our community.
    Leadership: exercising community leadership in order to support charitable organizations
    Stewardship: prudent financial management of endowed assets thus achieving maximum returns and assuring sound financial management practices so our donors' legacies are respected in perpetuity.
  • Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami

    Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) is the national Inuit organization in Canada, representing four Inuit regions – Nunatsiavut (Labrador), Nunavik (northern Quebec), Nunavut, and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in the Northwest Territories.
  • Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights

    The RFK CENTER’s core programs focus on the power of the individual, working through alliances and organizations, to generate change. The RFK PARTNERS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS bolster the efficacy of human rights defenders through sustained, strategic partnerships, extending their reach to legislators, diplomats, international institutions, and corporations. RFK SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER educates students and the public about human rights issues and provides the tools for creating change in their communities; RFK COMPASS convenes the financial community to advance a discussion of the connections among investment performance, fiduciary duty, and public interest issues to optimize risk-adjusted rates of returns and address current and future global challenges. Through its offices in Florence, Italy, RFK EUROPE extends its human rights education and advocacy programs across Europe, raising awareness and igniting change.
  • Canadian Museum for Human Rights

    Established by Parliament through amendments to the Museums Act on March 13, 2008, which came into force on August 10, 2008, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) is envisioned as a national and international destination -- a centre of learning where Canadians and people from around the world can engage in discussion and commit to taking action against hate and oppression.
  • PREVNet

    PREVNet (Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network) has been partnered with Family Channel for the past eight years and has created an extensive Teacher’s Guide that includes tipsheets for students, teachers, and parents designed to promote inclusive and supportive classrooms. Resources include a Cyberbullying Tip Sheet, an LGBTQ Fact Sheet, facts about bullying, and information on the difference between teasing and bullying. The Guide, titled STAND UP, also classroom activities and ideas to incorporate Bullying Awareness Week, November 18-24, into school classrooms.
  • Fairtrade

    With Fairtrade you have the power to change the world every day.

    Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers.

    With one simple choice you can get farmers a better deal. And that means they can make their own decisions, control their futures and lead the dignified life everyone deserves.